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The other day, someone asked me “Why Liberty?”

And that’s a very good question – I was glad they asked!

So… why Liberty Equipment Hire?

Well, the definition of Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s behaviour or political views.

Now that sounds a little too serious for me. I chose liberty purely for the word FREEDOM.

I love the fact I can decide who I help and provide equipment for and at what price. My VMS Boards vary in price, dependant on a range of variables and factors, but I know that it’s not always about price.

It’s about building friendships and business relationships as well as continuing these past relationships for years to come. I love that I can help out my community and local businesses with VMS boards as well as help the likes of MGROUP and M1 TRAFFIC CONTROL who arguably taught me everything I know.

If anyone has any questions about Liberty equipment hire at all, feel free to send an email through to [email protected] or send us a contact form enquiry at our contact page!